Sunday, April 08, 2007

Books, books & more books

I just love reading. Living in Ecuador for the last 8 years I would quickly swallow up any books that came my way. Coming back to NZ I really enjoy visiting the bookshops & public library and I usually have 4 or 5 books on the go at any one time. This week I discovered that I could join the library at Carey Baptist College - wow, thousands of Christian books only 15 minutes away. I made myself leave after picking up 5 books in just 10 minutes, or I never would have left there:-)

Easter is a long weekend here in NZ (Fri-Mon), so I have delved into the following books this weekend:

Serving as Senders by Neal Pirolo - a classic on how to care for your missos - You can tell it was written over 10 years ago, but it is so practical I wish every sending church in NZ had a copy.

Mustard Seed vs. McWorld by Tom Sine - I'm only 30 pages in, but already I am excited by the idea that God works through the seemingly small and insignificant to bring about lasting change.

The Bible - a great read:-) Last week I was really challenged as I took a fresh look at Matthew 22:1-14 The Parable of the Wedding Feast: especially that paradoxical phrase (v14) Many (all) are called but few are chosen.

Having worked alongside IMB-SBC I just had to get out a book I stumbled across by accident - The New Lottie Moon Story by Catherine B. Allen. All SBs know this lady and boy did she certainly NOT fit the mold!

I am rediscovering the value of liturgical prayer as part of my relationship with God, so am currently using the Complines from A New Zealand Prayer Book .

Ripening Fruit
by Margarita Allan Hudspith (Out of Print) tells the story of the first 50 years of the Bolivian Indian Mission that later joined SIM. We celebrate 100 years of work in Latin America this year and the first missos were George & Mary Allan, kiwi ingenuity exported over 100 years ago:-)

What are you reading at the moment?


J. Guy Muse said...

Sounds like some good reading material. I envy your access to good public libraries!

Besides reading blogs, I am currently reading Frank Viola's "Knowing Christ Together", a novel by Frederick Forsyth "Icon", and Kings from the Bible.

This morning I finally opened up the NZ coffee you sent. It was great! Thanks.

Steve K. said...

Hey Nige,

I'm currently reading "The World Is Flat" by Thomas Friedman, "Innovation in Mission" by Jim Reapsome and Jon Hirst, "An Emergent Manifesto of Hope," various books about communication and mission, and, of course, blogs ;-) Glad to find yours!

Steve K.